Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Until you can eat buffalo...

So, Ella's appointment really went pretty well. She always cries when the doctor starts checking her, and she got pretty upset when they gave her the shots, but she didn't cry nearly as much as she did last time, and she's been alert and happy the rest of the day (last time she was really fussy and really sleepy).

She's four months old, she weighs 16 1/2 pounds, and she's 26 inches long. Little bit of a dry skin rash, but other than that, we didn't have much to talk to the doctor about.

I asked about starting solids. It seems like a lot of people have told me that their babies started cereal at around 4 months. But our doctor said that concerning solids, his underlying principle was to "remember our roots: which means, you get breastmilk until you can eat the buffalo Dad brings home."

I laughed about that one all the way home. Anyway, he strongly suggested holding off even cereal until 6 months. I'm sure we will, because we aren't in a big hurry, and she seems to be just fine with just nursing. She acts satisfied and she sleeps fine, so no big rush.

Developmentally, she seems to be on the verge of a lot of things, but not quite there yet: she wants to sit up, but can't quite manage it yet; she CAN roll over, but either doesn't want to or has forgotten that she can; she reaches and grabs for things and usually gets them, but sometimes she can't hang on to them; she tries to put her own pacifier in her mouth, but then she doesn't know how to let go, so when she moves her hand, the pacifier comes with it (that one makes her really mad). She's really alert and mostly cheerful, although a little wary of strangers still.

We really dropped the ball on getting Christmas pictures of her. During most of our family events, she wanted either mama or daddy to be holding her at all times (during one of them, she cried hysterically when anyone else tried to take her). Sooo, we didn't get a lot of photos. This monkey hat picture was taken when we were on our way to the Vogt family Christmas. The others were taken today. That inchworm is one of her new favorite toys. She hugs it, studies it, tries to put it in her mouth, etc.

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