For days now, I've been trying to upload a particular video on this blog. It's a great video of Ella cooing, jabbering and wiggling...but it's ridiculously long--4 minutes--and I think our internet upstream speed is just too slow. It never stopped or timed out or anything, but each time I gave up after seeing the "uploading" message for 2 hours or more. Soooo I hope either to clip that video (only the first minute is really that entertaining anyway) or to get another one that's equally good but SHORTER.
For now, I wanted to share a few thoughts. Today I picked up the book My King by Frances Ridley Havergal. I guess you would call it a "devotional" book, for lack of a better word; it's written in 31 segments or "days." Here are just some pieces from the first "day" which I found encouraging:
"Before the world began, God, that cannot lie, gave the promise of eternal life to Him for us, and made with Him for us 'a covenant ordered in all things, and sure.' The leading provisions of that covenant were, a Lamb for our atonement, and a King for our government--a dying and a living Saviour. This God the Father did for us, and His own divine interest is strongly indicated in the typical words, 'God will provide Himself a Lamb,' and 'I have provided me a King.' So the Source of the Kingship of Christ is God Himself, in the eternal counsels of His love. It is one of the grand 'thoughts of God.'
Why has God made Jesus King? Who would have guessed the right answer? 'Because the Lord loved His people.' So the very thought of the Kingship of Christ sprang from the everlasting love of God to His people. Bring that wonderful statement down to personal reality,--'His people,' that is, you and me. God made Jesus King over you, because He loved you, and that with nothing less than the love wherewith He loved Him. Which is the more wonderful--the love that devised such a gift, or the gift that was devised by such love! Oh, to realize the glorious value of it! May we, who by His grace know something of God's gift of His Son as our Saviour, learn day by day more of the magnificent preciousness of His gift of His Anointed One as our King!"
Hey Danielle :) if you open the video with Windows Movie Maker (which you may have if you are working in Windows) can 'open project', click on your video...and then 'save as' it *should* convert the file to WMV ....WMVs are considerably smaller. Brandon helping me figure this out was the only way I was able to post any video of Lily....
If it doesn't work, email me and I will try to figure out where I went wrong :) may want to delete this's not any fun :)
About the video, have you tried uploading it to youtube first and then embedding that into your blog. That is what I am doing to a basket ball game video that Chad's cousin just played in so his dad can see it. Each video is 7 - 10 min. long, and so far it is working. It is really simple to set up an acount with youtube, just let me know if you have any questions regarding this. That is great that you are reading Havergal as well. I am trying to place various poems of hers that I find helpful on my blog each week or so to share with others. What an encouragement she has been to chad and I.
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